The "ACTA UNIVERSITATIS GEORGE BACOVIA.JURIDICA" Journal is a scientific, bilingual publication, being published in Romanian and English, with biannual publication, by the George Bacovia Publishing House, as part of “George Bacovia” University from Bacau, Romania ( The electronic version is hosted at annual printing data are the end of June and the end of December.

The first issue of the "Acta Universitatis George Bacovia.Juridica" Journal appeared in 2012 at the initiative of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Sciences of the "George Bacovia" University in Bacau, Romania.

The main objective of this journal was to create an organized framework for research and academic debates by theoretical researchers and renowned practitioners in the field of law, which would form the basis of connecting this publication to the great European and world circuit of ideas and juridical culture contemporary

For this purpose, the editorial team proposed to include in the structure of the journal important parts related to studies of Public and Private Law, International and European Law, Comparative Law, Jurisprudence, including studies and papers presented at Symposia, Conferences and Congresses of specialists and practitioners in the juridical field.

From the very beginning, pursuing the publication of demanding and rigorous studies, the Journal aimed to initiate and intensify scientific exchanges with other specialized publications from the country and abroad, in order to be included in specialized catalogs and in international databases (BDI).

In relation to the standards that we proposed to achieve through our approach, namely a high degree of scientific research, expressed through the works that were to be published, we obtained the collaboration of prestigious researchers who agreed to be part of the Editorial Board of the journal , but they also facilitated our contact with academics from abroad, of European and world prestige in the field of legal sciences.

In the pages of the "Acta Universitatis George Bacovia. Juridica" Journal have published articles of high scientific level, both great personalities of legal life and young PhD students, thus combining the experience of seniors with the tenacity of young researchers.

Respecting our commitment, the hard work carried out has made the first 20 issues of the journal already record, 10 years after its publication, in 2021, more than 350 articles, representing as many scientific research themes, totaling more than 6000 pages, by 158 Romanian and 25 foreign researchers.

Further, the permanent and constant concern of our editorial team is to increase the scientific prestige of the Journal, including for the fulfillment of all the formalities necessary for indexing in other international databases.

The "Acta Universitatis George Bacovia. Juridica" Journal is Open Access, so we use a financing model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access to the journal's articles. According to BOAI's definition of concept "open access", we allow the right of users to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of these articles" as mandatory for a journal to be included in the directory.

ISSN 2285-0171 - print edition; 2285-1933 - online edition



Conference volume VI - 2022 - click here.